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How to increase the production of vitamin D in the body?

Ensuring good levels and increasing production of vitamin D in the body is key to keeping the body healthy and functioning properly. For this, there is not much secret but it requires some important care.

Therefore, feeding and carrying out a medical follow-up are some of the ways to ensure that everything is in order. That is, it is worth including some simple habits in your daily life.

 What are the symptoms of low vitamin D?

The lack of the nutrient can cause the presence of some symptoms , which in most cases are subtle and almost imperceptible , which can make early diagnosis difficult.

Tiredness may be related to low nutrient levels.
Therefore, we emphasize the importance of consulting a health professional for an accurate and precise evaluation. Below are some of the likely and most common symptoms caused by low vitamin D:

  • Malaise and fatigue : Patients with very low levels of vitamin D may experience malaise, fatigue and tiredness ;
  • Hair loss : Low levels of the nutrient may be related to the development of alopecia areata ;
  • Get sick frequently : The nutrient helps the body to fight viruses and bacteria that cause diseases, therefore, it plays a fundamental role in the immune system ;
  • Bone and muscle problems : Vitamin D acts on calcium absorption and bone metabolism. That is, when it is lacking, it can make bones weak and cause muscle spasms.

Are there risk groups?

Yes! People who live with specific health conditions can develop vitamin D deficiency and are considered a risk group. Among them, we can highlight:

  • Pregnant women ;
  • Elderly people with a history of fractures;
  • Patients with chronic kidney disease, cystic fibrosis,
  • inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn’s disease;
  • Patients with rickets/osteomalacia, osteoporosis and secondary hyperparathyroidism.

Nutrient deficiency can only be confirmed by performing a blood test.
Premature babies, people who don’t have a balanced diet and don’t get sun often have a greater chance of developing complications related to lack of nutrient.

To diagnose low levels of vitamin D, the doctor must order a blood test called 25-hydroxyvitamin D , which determines levels of the nutrient.

In this case, to be considered suitable , the patient must present a volume above 30ng/ml .

How to increase the production of vitamin D?

Some guidelines and changes in habits can influence your health and help increase the production of vitamin D. Here are the main ones:

1. Get regular medical follow-up

Regardless of whether or not you are part of the risk groups mentioned above, it is always good to ensure that your health is up to date.

Carrying out an adequate medical follow-up is essential to maintain health.
Therefore, it’s always good to schedule consultations and preventive exams for proper follow-up, so you can avoid greater problems in the future.

In addition, the health professional will be able to make recommendations regarding an adequate diet , exact time of sun exposure , as well as indicating the use of vitamin supplements to replace the nutrient.

2. Take sunbaths

To get the ideal amounts of vitamin D , the right thing is to expose yourself to the sun daily, for 10 to 20 minutes or according to medical advice.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to the best sun to acquire this vitamin D, which is between 10 am and 4 pm. To sunbathe without harming your skin, it is worth following some guidelines:

  • Protect the face and neck, leaving only the arms and legs exposed;
  • To avoid irritation and damage to the skin caused by the sun, do not exceed the exposure time;
  • At the end of the time, protect the rest of the body with sunscreen or suitable clothing.

That is, you can acquire the nutrient on a walk, performing outdoor exercises or even taking a sunbath.

3. Eat right

Although it is not the main source of the nutrient, Vitamin D can also be found in some types of food, such as:

  • Fish such as Salmon, Sardines and Tuna;
  • fish liver oil ;
  • liver steak;
  • Fortified cheeses;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Mushrooms.

Food is not the main source of the nutrient.

4. Supplement to increase vitamin D

Supplementation may be indicated for patients with a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, and also for those who have a lifestyle that does not favor sun exposure and proper nutrition.

Therefore, the use of dietary supplements has become a safe and effective alternative for those who need to replenish the amounts of vitamin D required.

Supplement use is an option for those at higher risk of nutrient deficiency.
However, it is worth noting that supplementation should only be carried out with medical guidance. Because the professional will indicate the appropriate concentration as well as a well-evaluated supplement option.

In addition, it is important to emphasize that the content of this article is only informative and does not dispense with medical consultation.

Therefore, there is no secret to increasing the amount of vitamin D. All you need to do is carry out proper medical follow-up and add good habits to your routine.

Healthy Doctor