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Albinism   What is it? Albinism belongs to a group of rare genetic diseases in which the skin, eyes and hair are colorless. Vision is impaired in albino patients. National Albinism and Hypo pigmentation Organization did a survey and concluded that approximately 1 in 18,000 people in the US have some albinism type. Albinism

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Depression Introduction and Definition: Depression refers to the disorder of mood which is a lingering feeling of regret and sadness. It's way different than mood swings which are usually experienced by people on a regular basis in life. Some events of life, like losing a job or bereavement, may progress to depression but

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Cancer Cancer: At the point when abnormal cells surpass growth barrier and keep on increasing vigorously anyplace in the body is called malignant growth or cancer. These abnormal cells are called carcinogenic, cancer, or tumor cells. These cells can invade ordinary body tissue. Numerous tumors and the malignant cells that make up

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