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Healthy smoothies

The best natural smoothies for the body Fruit smoothies were the main part of a healthy diet, but today it is seen as providing the most dose of sugar, and fruit smoothies are fast food. However, research has shown that drinking pure smoothy can be good for us. The Food4Me study,

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What Are The Superfoods & Why Are They Important?

What Are The Superfoods & Why Are They Important?

What Are Superfoods & Why Are They Important? It is worth noting that there is no single type of food that provides all the nutritional, health, and energy benefits the body needs, but as recommended by the American Dietary Guidelines for Americans for the years 2015-2020. Diets containing healthy options from

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difference between the keto diet and Atkins

What is difference between keto diet and Atkins diet?

What is the difference between the keto diet and Atkins? The difference between the keto diet and Atkins has become a lot more recent, especially after the recent spread of these diets in losing weight, improving health conditions, and eliminating many diseases through these types of diet that depends on reducing

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Best vitamins for stress relief

Best vitamins for stress relief

While everyone experiences specific life stressors, stressors related to work, money, health, and relationships tend to be the most common.  Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and good nutrition are the best ways to better equip your body to combat stress, but many vitamins and supplements can also help. Here are the

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SAD Overview: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a subtype of affective disorders. People with normal mental health will perceive symptoms of depression for most of the year, most probably in winter season in this disorder. It is not called as mood disorder now-a-days but is called seasonal disorder with recurrent pattern. It is

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D Overview: Vitamin D belongs to sterol family having functions resembling to hormones. Usually it has two active forms, Ergocalciferol and Cholecalciferol known as vitamin D2 and D3 respectively. These are functionally active forms of vitamin D produced from dormant pro vitamin form. Conversion of pro vitamins to active form occurs in

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Metatarsalgia Introduction: Metatarsalgia is a common injury caused by overuse. This term describes pain and swelling of the soles (ball) of the feet. It is usually regarded as a symptom of pathological condition other than a specific disease. You can develop this by participating in running activities. There are other reasons. Although

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