Tuesday, February 18, 2025


This type of eating plan works by reducing the amount of carbohydrates eaten daily and increasing the amount of fat at each meal.

Carbohydrate is an essential macronutrient for our metabolism, as it is the body’s main source of energy. Therefore, when we remove it from our diet, the organism begins to extract energy from the lipids accumulated in the adipose tissues , that is, from that “accumulated fat”.

This change also generates another feature of the low carb diet, which is its ability to reduce appetite. The decrease in hunger is because this diet helps balance insulin levels, a hormone that helps control appetite in the brain.

The participation of a professional is important, since the slimming method can only be done for a period of time. Carbohydrate is one of the main pillars of healthy eating, and its incorrect elimination can lead to problematic conditions.

How long should I stick to a low carb menu?

The correct thing is to maintain a low carb menu that follows the pattern of 5% carbohydrate only for a period of 1 to 3 months. After that, those who need to keep their intake of this nutrient low should return to the nutritionist so that a new food plan can be prepared that increases the daily percentage without reaching the traditional recommendation of 50% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 20% proteins that people in weight maintenance follow.

If you follow the routine of ingesting only 5% of carbohydrates for longer than recommended, your body can start to catabolize and even reduce the lean mass you have. So, don’t overdo it!


This type of diet is indicated for people with abnormal blood sugar levels, with changes in the amount of insulin and blood glucose , as is the case with type 2, epilepsy, steatosis, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. Obese patients can also use this tactic to achieve results faster at the beginning of the weight loss process.

On the other hand, pregnant or breastfeeding women should not adhere to this food plan, as they need extra energy to provide the baby with all the nutrients he needs. Growing children and adolescents should also not practice low carb, as well as people with kidney or liver problems.


Following a low carb diet menu is considered safe, as long as you follow up with a nutritionist and take all the necessary precautions. This way you will maintain the correct amount of other nutrients and will not have problems for exceeding your body’s limit in carbohydrate restriction.

Precautions needed for a low carb diet

The main care for anyone adopting a low carb diet is, as we have already mentioned, to have professional follow-up. Carbohydrate is an essential macronutrient for us to maintain our food health, and you need to be very careful when cutting it out of your meal.

He is responsible for ensuring strength, energy and vitality to our organism. The lack or deficit of this category of food can compromise the proper functioning of our body.

Another caution is to follow this type of diet only for the recommended time and to pause it if you identify any weakness or abnormal changes in your body. Also remember to increase hydration and combine food re-education with a good sleep routine , as well as regular physical exercise. Only then will you have a really healthy result for your body!


Yes! Due to the functioning of a low carb diet, by reducing the amount of carbohydrates ingested, you will be forcing your body to consume the energy reserve it already has. Therefore, you will lose weight and reduce your measurements more quickly during the period that you carry out this diet.

And since it is necessary to limit the time you follow this food routine, you should go back to your nutritionist so that he can create a new menu that inserts larger amounts of carbohydrates into your daily life without losing the results already achieved. Then you must continue to maintain a balanced diet to be able to reduce even more numbers on the scale.


Despite being so popular in recent years, the low carb diet is far from being a fad. What makes her so requested are her numerous benefits. Here we list the main ones:

  • rapid weight loss: when eliminating sugar and carbohydrates, the body has body fat as the only source of energy to carry out its vital functions. Therefore, weight loss happens at an accelerated rate;
  • reduced appetite: eating foods rich in fiber and good fats provide satiety for longer;
  • prevents diabetes: because it is a low-glycemic diet, that is, it does not raise the level of insulin, it helps to prevent type 2 diabetes;
  • Abdominal fat reduction: Abdominal fat is one of the most harmful to health and can lead to heart problems and also diabetes. The low carb diet contributes to the reduction of abdominal measurements;
  • reduction of triglycerides: triglycerides are fat molecules in the blood, and the low carb diet reduces these molecules, which are among the causes of heart disease;
  • lowers blood pressure: high blood pressure is one of the causes of cardiovascular disease, and low carb eating contributes to lowering blood pressure.

What not to do while on a low carb diet?

The main mistakes made by those who adopt the low carb diet can be divided into three main ones, they are:

  • not having adequate follow-up by a professional;
  • exaggerate in the consumption of fats;
  • totally exclude the consumption of carbohydrates.


At that point, it’s not news to anyone, but the first step to get started is to make an appointment with a nutritionist. Only this professional will be able to help you at this stage, assessing your goals, the ideal calorie consumption and the best way to conduct the diet. Another important point is to check your weight and all your body measurements to make a before and after comparison.

Having focus and setting goals is essential, since it is a restrictive diet. Keep your goals in mind, write them down and always skim your notes so you don’t forget where you want to go.

Another important step is to check the list of foods that can be consumed. The menu is also a point of attention, as it needs to be diversified, balanced and tasty so that the diet is easier to follow. If you are unable to maintain this diet at all meals from the beginning, start slowly, so that your body adapts to this diet.

Healthy Doctor