Thursday, January 23, 2025


For those who like bodybuilding it is important to know what to eat to gain muscle mass. That’s because our body doesn’t work alone, it needs enough nutrients to perform each activity, including before, during and after exercising.

A diet with  fitness foods  with a great source of protein, carbohydrates and good fats will help to achieve optimal results with bodybuilding. Do you know which foods help you gain mass? Stay with us to find out everything you need to boost your workouts.


It’s important to keep in mind that it’s no use doing an intense training routine if you don’t balance everything with good food, with an adequate menu to reach your goals.

This is important because, although bodybuilding promotes muscle growth, the transformation does not happen by itself:  the human organism needs an “extra help” to function properly  and the results come faster.

It happens like this: our body uses proteins, carbohydrates and fats to produce energy and regenerate itself when we do physical activities. That is, the more we exercise, the more we need to offer these elements to the body to achieve our goals.

Here are the main benefits of eating proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vegetables to gain muscle mass.

1. Proteins

If you’re looking to gain muscle mass, know that protein plays a very important role. It is she who repairs and remodels damaged muscles and tissues, which  contributes to the healthy growth of muscle groups . In addition, protein helps to  accelerate metabolism , increasing caloric expenditure and making training more available.

It is important to be careful about excessive protein intake because, if consumed in excess, it can be converted into fat deposits. That’s why it’s important to have a follow-up of experts who will indicate the ideal amount to reach your goals.

It can be consumed post-workout to help muscle regeneration. As muscle recovery can last up to 72 hours, it is worth inserting small portions in each meal, to meet all the body’s needs during this period.

2. Carbohydrates

Although many people don’t know, including carbohydrates in food helps with lean mass gain, because they act directly in supplying and stocking energy for the body, saving protein energy. It’s the carbs that help improve performance and potentialize training gains.

3. Fats

The so-called good fats are important for gaining muscle mass and for the proper functioning of the body, so it’s worth including them in the menus. They influence the release of anabolic hormones, contributing to muscle gain.

4. Vegetables

Vegetables have fibers, minerals and vitamins of great importance for the human body to function well. As many of them have antioxidant action, plant nutrients participate in various reactions in the body and help build muscle mass and reduce fat.


Now that you know the importance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vegetables to gain muscle mass and boost your workouts, it’s time to see a list of foods rich in these nutrients to include in your routine.

1. Meat

Red meat is   a good source of protein, in addition to also containing iron – which helps  transport oxygen in the blood and improves the body’s disposition . In this case, it is worth being careful and choosing leaner meats, such as rump.

2. Chicken

Chicken is another type of meat rich in proteins, with a plus: it is a leaner meat. So it’s really worth including  recipes with chicken in everyday life , whether it’s alone or mixed with vegetables and vegetables.

It is a low-fat meat , in addition to being rich in vitamins B3, B6 and B12, which are great allies in strengthening muscles. That’s why the  marmitinha with chicken  and sweet potatoes is the favorite of those who work out, as it combines good sources of fiber, protein and low glycemic index.

3. Tuna

A type of fish with great cost benefit, source of good proteins and rich in omega 3, which allows for better muscle hypertrophy. You can make very practical meals with it, such as post-workout snacks.

5. Salmon

Another  type of fish to eat on a daily basis , salmon is rich in omega 3, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps improve blood circulation, in addition to fighting other diseases such as cardiovascular problems.

6. Chickpeas

A great carbohydrate-rich food option, chickpeas are rich in tryptophan, which acts directly on the production of serotonin, the hormone that helps regulate mood, heart rate, appetite, memory and body temperature.

Chickpeas are also a source of protein, but with lower levels than meat. For those who don’t eat meat, it’s a good option to include in  vegetarian and vegan dishes .

7. Beans

Another source of vegetable protein is beans, so it is also a food that helps to gain muscle mass. Other benefits of beans: source of fiber, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and B vitamins.

8. Cheeses

Cheeses that have a low fat rate, such as cottage, ricotta and Minas cheese, offer plenty of protein and calcium, a nutrient that helps with muscle strength and contraction . It’s worth including small portions at lunch or breakfast.

9. Milk

Consumption of milk also helps in the process of muscle gain, precisely because it is a good source of proteins and minerals, such as magnesium and calcium, stimulating muscle contraction and giving greater performance  during  training.

10. Avocado

Want a good source of good fat for your everyday life? Avocado provides this for your diet. The fruit is rich in monounsaturated fats and has a good source of calories, making the body receive good amounts of energy and antioxidants.
Avocado also  improves muscle strength and endurance , benefiting muscle recovery after training, in addition to being a source of potassium, which reduces muscle weakness.

11. Soy

Another alternative for those who don’t want to consume animal protein, soy is rich in protein, good fats, iron, phosphorus and vitamin K. You can make several recipes with it, it’s worth it.

12. Tofu

One of the most elaborate recipes with soy, tofu is also rich in proteins that help in the formation of muscles, giving more resistance and performance to training.

13. Peanut paste

Although it is caloric, if consumed with caution, peanut butter is a great ally in gaining muscle mass, as it is a food with high levels of protein, good fats and B vitamins.
The result  favors muscle growth , in addition to preventing injuries.

14. Lentil

Insert good amounts of iron and vegetable proteins into your daily life, consuming more lentils. It helps to intensify the transport of oxygen in the blood, which  gives the body another physical disposition , in addition to stimulating the production of muscle mass.

15. Quinoa

Within the group of seeds, quinoa stands out as a great option for gaining muscle mass. It is a source of vegetable protein, helps control cholesterol and is low in fat. It is worth mixing with salads, vegetables and even in chicken recipes.

16. Banana

Bananas are a good source of carbohydrates, so it’s really worth inserting them in small meals before training, because they’ll guarantee a lot of energy to perform the exercises. In the post-workout, it is worth combining with some protein like milk or natural yogurt.

17. Oilseeds

In general, oilseeds fight the body’s inflammatory processes, while strengthening immunity and the circulatory system. Muscles are also strengthened with the help of protein, zinc, fiber, B vitamins and potassium.

This mix of nutrients  reduces muscle pain and optimizes  lean mass gain.

18. Egg

The egg is a complete protein, as the white is rich in protein and the yolk has good fats, which will help to minimize the inflammatory processes that the muscle undergoes during exercise.

With these tips you will already know how to put together a  healthy eating routine , offering all the  nutrients your body needs to work well  and achieve the expected results.

Healthy Doctor