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SAD Overview: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a subtype of affective disorders. People with normal mental health will perceive symptoms of depression for most of the year, most probably in winter season in this disorder. It is not called as mood disorder now-a-days but is called seasonal disorder with recurrent pattern. It is

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D Overview: Vitamin D belongs to sterol family having functions resembling to hormones. Usually it has two active forms, Ergocalciferol and Cholecalciferol known as vitamin D2 and D3 respectively. These are functionally active forms of vitamin D produced from dormant pro vitamin form. Conversion of pro vitamins to active form occurs in

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Metatarsalgia Introduction: Metatarsalgia is a common injury caused by overuse. This term describes pain and swelling of the soles (ball) of the feet. It is usually regarded as a symptom of pathological condition other than a specific disease. You can develop this by participating in running activities. There are other reasons. Although

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Albinism   What is it? Albinism belongs to a group of rare genetic diseases in which the skin, eyes and hair are colorless. Vision is impaired in albino patients. National Albinism and Hypo pigmentation Organization did a survey and concluded that approximately 1 in 18,000 people in the US have some albinism type. Albinism

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